Do you own a business? If you do the chances are quite good that some or all parts of your business involve the use of computers. They might be used to enable you to contact clients or produce invoices. Alternatively they might be used to control certain pieces of equipment. In any event if the power supply to those computers were to fail, it would have a devastating effect on the business itself. What would you do in these circumstances? For many people the answer would be to sit back and wait for the power to come back on again. This could result in a wait of just a few minutes - but the power cut could last for much longer. Even if the power did come back on quickly, you may have lost work and productivity time while the power was off. You can see therefore that if you could find an alternative to the usual power supply, it would stand you in good stead at a time like this. Luckily this is more than just wishful thinking - you can get such a power supply from UPS batteries. U...